COMP3052 Computer Security 5 -- Firewall

COMP3052 Computer Security 5 -- Firewall

OSI Seven Layer Model (for reference)

Firewall brief

  1. Usage: prevents unauthorised access of packets from one network to another.

  2. Functions:

  • Implements 'single point' security measures
  • Security event monitoring through packet analysis and logging
  • Network-based access control through implementation of a rule set.
  1. Location:
  • Network Firewalls: placed between a subnet and the internet
  • Host-based Firewalls: placed on individual machines
  1. extended concept: DMZ (demilitarized zone)
  • A demilitarized zone is a small subnet that separates externally facing services from the internal network
  • Firewall is an implementation of DMZ

Firewall Basic Function

  1. Firewall defends a protected network against parties services that should only be available internally (公司内网)
  2. Firewalls restrict access from inside to outside services
  3. Firewalls can perform Network Address Translation (NAT)

Disadvantage of Firewall

  1. Cannot protect against attacks that bypass the firewall (tunneling)
  2. Cannot protect against internal threats or insiders
  3. Cannot protect against the transfer of virus-infected programs or files

Types of Firewall

Packet Filters

  • Location: layer3 (network layer) and layer4 (transport layer)

  • Goal: specify which packets are allowed or dropped, based on:

    • Src / Dst IP
    • TCP/UDP port number

The packet filter will be used for both inbound and outbound traffic, and achieved by examining the packet header.

Example implementation of Packet Fileter in Linux: IPTABLES

Stateful (dynamic) Packet Filters

  • Stateful packet filters understand requests and replies
    • E.g. TCP open sequence (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) pattern
  • Stateful packet filters can support policies for a wide range of protocols: TCP, FTP, IRC etc

Proxy Servers

Using a proxy server to represent you to send request to the server. So that it can prevent unwanted connection or malicious behaviours to the actual web server.


  1. large overhead (send packet to the proxy server first, and then the target web server)

  2. more expensive than packet filtering (need a seperate proxy server)

  3. Configuration is complex

NAT (Network Address Translation)

  • background: shortage of IP address
  • Advantage:
    1. machine is totally hidden from the internet
    2. only established connections are forwarded to your internal machine
    3. prevent unsolicited attacks on random ports

Why we need host-based firewall if we already have network-based firewall?

  • Background:
    • host-based firewall: firewall installed on endpoint devices: laptop, mobile devices, etc.,
    • Network-based firewall: A network-based firewall is a firewall software installed at the network perimeter, typically between an organization's internal network and the Internet.
  • Why?
    • Subnet is not secure. Attack may come from internal, not external

IPTABLES (configures firewall in Linux)

Brief: - First rule to match is applied - Rules are organized in chains - Uses tables to store chains, matches result in a jump, else we check next rule - Multiple chains can exist in one table

Example rules for IPTABLES

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP


Parameter Meaning
-A Appending to specific chains
INPUT Rule in INPUT chain
-i Checking incoming service request
eth0 Through network adapter 1
tcp Rule applies to TCP protocol instead of UDP
--dport Destination port (the listening port on this machine)
-j Jump
DROP Jump target is DROP, which means to drop all incoming request

Packet Filtering Policies (classification)

  1. Permissive (Black listing) - allow everything except dangerous service: easy to make mistakes

    # allow all input/forward/output
    # but restrict incoming connection to the machine ssh services
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j DROP

  2. Restrictive (White listing) - block everything except designated useful services: secure, but easy to DoS yourself

    # drop all input/forward/output
    # allow outgoing SSH traffic
    iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT

Stateful Packet Filtering Policies

IPTABLES has modules for stateful packet filtering

  • Allow incoming / outgoing SSH connections
    iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state NEW, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
  • NEW — A packet requesting a new connection, such as an HTTP request.
  • ESTABLISHED — A packet that is part of an existing connection.
  • RELATED — A packet that is requesting a new connection but is part of an existing connection.

Packet Filter Issues & Drawbacks

  1. Cannot prevent attacks that exploit application-specific vulnerabilities
  2. Cannot support higher-level authentication schemes
  3. Easy to accidentally allow or deny packets incorrectly

Tragic Master

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