COMP3052 Computer Security 4 -- Access Control
- [IMPORTANT] Background
- Difference between authentication and access control:
- Access control has two steps - Authentication & Authorisation
- Principal vs Subject vs Object
- Access Operations
- Intermediate Controls
- Comparing Security Attributes
[IMPORTANT] Background
To discuss access control, we first have to develop a suitable terminology. The very nature of 'access' suggests that:
- There is an active entity - a subject or principal
- Accessing a passive object with some specific access operation
- While a reference monitor grants or denies access

Difference between authentication and access control:
- Authentication verify identity
- Access control stipulates who can or cannot access certain resources
Access control has two steps - Authentication & Authorisation
- Authentication
- Decide who has access to the system
- Authorisation
- of those with access, who is authorised to do something to the resource (object)
Principal vs Subject vs Object
- Principal: An entity that can be granted access to
objetcs or can make statements affecting access control decisions
- user identity in an OS, used when discussing security policies
- Subject: An active entity within an IT system
(active party)
- process running under a user identity, used when discussing operational system enforcing policies.
- Object: Files or resources (passive party)
Access Operations
- Access Mode
- Observe: look at the contents of an object
- Alter: change the contents of an object
- General Model on common access on files:
- Read (concern: confidentiality)
- Write (concern: integrity)
- Execute
- Ownership (in charge of setting security policies)
- Owner can be defined for each resource, owner controls who gets access
- Or the security policy is a system-wide mandatory policy
[IMPORTANT] Access Control Structures
- Access Control Matrix (ACM)
At a basic level, access rights can be defined individually for each combination of subject and object simply and object simply in the form of a table. The access control matrix is an abstract concept and not very suitable for direct implementation if the number of subjects and objects is large or if the sets of subjects and object change frequently.
- Capabilities
There are two fundamental options for implementing an access control matrix. Access rights can be kept with the subjects or with the objects. In the first case, every subject is given a capability, an unforgeable(不可伪造的) token that specifies this subject's access rights. This capability corresponds to the subject's row in the access control matrix
- It is difficult to get an overview of who has permission to access a given object
- It is difficult to revoke(撤销) a capability - either the operating system has to be given the task or users have to keep track of all the capabilities they have passed on
- Access Control Lists (ACL)
- Less memory used
- Stored with a file and quick to access
- but:
- management of individual subjects is cumbersome
- obtaining an overview of permissions is challenging
- tedious to set this up for every subjects and objects
- UNIX simplifies the ACL structure: User/Group/others
- Windows extends usual rwe with:
- take ownership
- change permission
- delete
Intermediate Controls
Problems of complexity are solved by indirection. This principle can be applied to access control. Intermediate layers between users and objects are introduced to represent policies in a more manageable fasion.
Users with
similar access rights are collected in groups and groups are given
permissions to access objects, and are thus a mean of simplifying the
definition of access control policies.
Negative Permission
an entry in an access control structure
that specifies the access operations a user is not allowed to
Policy Conflict
In the above image, the negative permission given to u3 contradicting the positive permission given to group g1, and thus an example of policy conflict.
- Can be resolved by reference monitor
- e.g., a simple and widely used algorithm is just process the first entry matching in ACL(Access Control Lists) and ignore the later entries

A policy could refer to the operationss a user is allowed to execute. Privilege stands for the right to execute certain operations
- Usually associating with operating system functions
Robe-based Access Control (RBAC)
Compared with ACL: Identity-based Access Control (IBAC)
- Access is based on a role, e.g. accountants should access certain
financial files
- role -> collection of application specific operations or resource
- Difference with group and role:
- group are collections of users
- roles are collections of permissions
- Difference with group and role:
- RBAC focuses on users and the jobs they perform
- Easier to scale and applicable to large networks and organizations (enterprise level)
- Most operating systems are user/group based, so role-based access
can be provided using nested groups
- role -> collection of application specific operations or resource
Protection Rings

Protection rings are a particularly simple example of an intermediate layer of hardware-based access control for subjects and objects. Each subject (process) and each object is assigned a number, depending on its 'importance'.
Access control decisions are made by comparing the subject's and object's numbers
Comparing Security Attributes
When evaluating a security policy, he reference monitor compares the access rights granted to the subject with the access rights demanded by the policy.
Partial Ordering
A security policy might grant access to an object if the object label is \(\le\) subject label
Considering the above example, the department creates a group Year_1 for first year students to manage access for resources specifically dedicated to them. There is also a group Year_2 for second year students, Year_3 for third year students, etc. The group of first year students would be contained in the group of all students, but there is no such relation between group Year_1 and Year_2. By using Hasse diagrams (a graphical representation of partially ordered sets in the above image), the edges in the diagram give a seleton of the partial ordering, which is \(a \le b\) if and only if there a path from a to be.
In this case, \(\{Year\_1\} \le \{Year\_1, Year\_2\}\), and a security policy might grant access to an object if the object label is \(\le\) subject label.
Multi-Level Security

Linearly ordered hierarchy of four security levels in early security research in 1970s and 1980s: often in military applications.
The linear ordering of security levels in Multi-Layer security can only express a limited security policies, while in order to be able to state other policies, such as people at level secret could have access to lower categories, a lattice of security levels was introduced.

- JVM: sandboxing - run code in restricted environments
- Virtualization - emulates a number of other machines
- Trusted computing - verifiable state of software and hardware
COMP3052 Computer Security 4 -- Access Control Note/COMP3052 Computer Security/CS6/